Here are a list of all the enemies you could possibly come across in the caverns. It also includes their full details. Enjoy.
Side note: I was very small when I played the game for the first time and I made up silly names for the enemies, which have stuck in my head far too long and I eventually ended up using them in the Enemies section below. So you will find that most of the names I've used on this site are childish.
Note: Damage values imply how much damage a creature will do on you, if it attacks you on your backside, that is where you don't have a shield.
Gamer Adam Goode suggests an alternate strategy for dealing with enemies that you usually have to jump up to hit them on the head:
All enemy bios have been updated with Experience points now (thanks to gamer and hacker Crystal). Experience points aren't displayed in the game, but they are used internally to determine when the Sage can increase your power. For more details, see the Game Internals section.
Found in: The Caverns
Experience Points: 5
Difficulty: Easy
Attack Method: Quickly hops towards you
Damage: Infinite
Comments: The frog is easy to kill. It won't harm you much either although it will do damage to your shield since it literally bumps into you.
Found in: The Caverns
Experience Points: 2
Difficulty: Easy
Attack Method: Slowly crawls towards you
Damage: Infinite
Comments: This one is a bit stronger than the frog, but the advantage is that it moves slowly, so you have enough time to slice it up.
Found in: The Caverns
Value: or
Experience Points: 3
Difficulty: Easy / Medium
Attack Method: Quickly runs towards you.
Damage: Infinite
Comments: This one is a bit harder to kill. It advances towards you rapidly and can jump over small obstacles in it's path, like almas, to get to you. The frog couldn't do that.
Found in: The Caverns
Value: or
Experience Points: 3
Difficulty: Easy / Medium
Attack Method: Flies towards you from the roof, attacks with claws and goes back up.
Damage: (1 point)
Comments: This one is also a bit hard to kill. You have to be quick to kill it while it is in attack position, because that is the only time when it near to you.
Blue Slime:
Found in: The Deeper Caverns
Experience Points: 4
Difficulty: Easy
Attack Method: Basically stays in it's place and blocks your path.
Damage: (1 point)
Comments: This is easily to kill. Won't do you any damage at all.
Found in: The Deeper Caverns
Value: or
Experience Points: 10
Difficulty: Medium
Attack Method: Fires spit at you.
Damage: (3 points)
Comments: This one is a hard to kill, since it stops a little distance from you and fires spit. Since in this cavern, you don't have a bigger shield, it's spit will injure you until unless you crouch. If you do so, then it hops towards you. So this thing is pretty lethal.
Danger Bat:
Found in: The Deeper Caverns
Value: or
Experience Points: 4
Difficulty: Easy / Medium
Attack Method: Flies towards you from the roof, attacks with claws and goes back up.
Damage: (2 points)
Comments: It's almost the same as the normal bat, but does double the damage.
Magical Bat:
Found in: The Deeper Caverns
Experience Points: 255
Difficulty: Easy / Medium
Attack Method: Flies towards you when you open a chest, attacks with claws and goes to the ceiling.
Damage: (5 points)
Comments: There is only one of this creature in all the caverns. So this is an endangered specie. It does good damage, but gives off a good price too. However, once you kill one, you will never see another one ever again.
Alligator Man/Woodcutter/Axe Man
Found in: The Deeper Caverns
Experience Points: 10
Difficulty: Medium
Attack Method: Runs back while throwing axes at you
Damage: (3 points)
Comments: This guy is pretty easy to kill. You just have to wait for the right moment when he stops throwing axes at you and then remove your shield and withdraw your sword. The rest is history.
Found in: The Forest
Experience Points: 10
Difficulty: Easy / Medium
Attack Method: Jumps towards you, much like the frog
Damage: Infinite
Comments: It's pretty easy to kill. Just make sure you kill it before it bumps into you, which will cause injury.
Found in: The Forest
Experience Points: 20
Difficulty: Easy / Medium
Attack Method: As you approach it, it will suddenly advance towards you.
Damage: Infinite
Comments: It will do good damage to your shield unless you are able to kill it before it reaches you.
Found in: The Forest
Experience Points: 10
Difficulty: Medium
Attack Method: Fires spit at you
Damage: (5 points)
Comments: You can't kill this creature while it is slithering in it's slime body, but you can only hit it when it's head emerges to fire at you. That makes it difficult to protect yourself and hit it at the same time. It's spit does good damage, but your shield will protect you against it.
Bush Creature:
Found in: The Forest
Experience Points: 20
Difficulty: Medium
Attack Method: Random attack method which involves attacking you from top or from the front or back.
Damage: Infinite
Comments: This one is a bit hard to kill. It's got a bad habit of walking upside-down on ceilings. You can only kill it when it is coming down to attack you.
Found in: The Ice Caverns
Value: or
Experience Points: 10
Difficulty: Medium
Attack Method: Goes inside it's shell and advances towards you at great speed.
Damage: Infinite
Comments: It does great damage to your shield or ultimate damage if it attack your unprotected side. It can also get across small obstacles in it's path by some special jumping technique. Otherwise it is damn slow moving and easy to get.
Green Slime Monster:
Found in: The Ice Caverns
Experience Points: 10
Difficulty: Medium / Hard
Attack Method: Slowly advances towards you
Damage: Infinite
Comments: This thing will multiply if your sword isn't powerful enough to deal with it. That means when you hit it, it will try to reproduce. Feugo will easily kill it, but it is a bit difficult to destroy it with a sword.
Found in: The Ice Caverns
Value: or
Experience Points: 40
Difficulty: Hard
Attack Method: Keeps circumnavigating around blocks of ice and will attack you, if you happen to step on that block.
Damage: Infinite
Comments: This thing hurts alot and it can easily push you off a block and let you fall down into some wrong place. So it's pretty troublesome and hard to kill too, because it has got a high velocity.
Eyeball Monster:
Found in: The Graveyard
Experience Points: 10
Difficulty: Medium / Hard
Attack Method: Advances towards you at rapid speeds
Damage: Infinite
Comments: This one isn't so hard to kill, as long as you get it before it goes into hyper gear.
Found in: The Graveyard
Experience Points: 10
Difficulty: Hard
Attack Method: Attacks you from the ceiling and returns there after the attack.
Damage: Infinite
Comments: This one will usually get you, and it moves very fast, so it's hard to hit it.
Found in: The Graveyard
Value: or
Experience Points: 50
Difficulty: Hard / Difficult
Attack Method: Fires spit at you
Damage: (5 points)
Comments: This guy is a bit hard to get. He won't get hurt until unless you hit him on the head. That means that Fuego is useless against him. You'll have to jump to get to his height. The only plus point is that he moves slowly.
The Undestructable Red Slime Monster:
Found in: The Graveyard
Value: or
Experience Points: 20
Difficulty: Difficult
Attack Method: Slowly advances towards you
Damage: Infinite
Comments: This one is almost undestructable. It can only be killed with Fuego or better (except for Agua). All swords are useless against it except for the Enchantment sword. If you hit it with an ordinary sword, it will reproduce. It has some built-in damage protection system, which enables it to absorb the energy from a hit and enables it to produce more of it's kind. You'll have to jump across them to get past them.
Armour-Piercing Bird of Prey:
Found in: The Gold Caverns
Experience Points: 50
Difficulty: Hard / Difficult
Attack Method: It flies towards you at super-sonic speed and pierce through your armour as if they were ordinary clothes.
Damage: Infinitely immense
Comments: This Bird of Prey will do lots of damage to your shield before you are able to swing your sword at it.
Flying Octopus:
Found in: The Gold Caverns
Experience Points: 50
Difficulty: Hard / Difficult
Attack Method: Flies towards you.
Damage: Infinite
Comments: This creature has the uncanny ability to become temporarily invulnerable once you injure it. So it's difficult to kill it with any sword less powerful than the Illumination sword. A Lanzar will do it in too.
Femme Fatale aka Kiss of Death Woman:
Found in: The Gold Caverns
Experience Points: 100
Difficulty: Difficult
Attack Method: Appears from thin air, and give you a flying kiss of death.
Damage: (3 points)
Comments: She is not the kind of girl you'd wanna take home to see your mama.
Found in: The Burning Inferno
Value: or
Experience Points: 50
Difficulty: Hard / Difficult
Attack Method: It quickly advances towards you
Damage: Infinite
Comments: The wolf can jump over small obstacles, and it's got a good speed, and accelerates once he spots you. So running for your life is not an option. You've gotta fight him. The wolf is really troublesome in Correr Cave where he keeps pushing you off in the wrong direction and then you have to follow the whole long route again. Damn wolf!!
Parrot Man:
Found in: The Burning Inferno
Value: or
Experience Points: 80
Difficulty: Medium
Attack Method: Runs back while throwing arrows at you.
Damage: (5 points)
Comments: This sucker is easy to kill. Just go near it, crouch and cut off it's legs. What a sucker. Otherwise just use your Lanzar. This sucker was meant to die at all costs.
Fire Creature:
Found in: The Burning Inferno
Value: or
Experience Points: 200
Difficulty: Difficult
Attack Method: Fires blue ammo at you
Damage: (5 points)
Comments: This elegant creature is deadly. It only gets injured if you aim for the head. Plus point is that it moves slowly.
Slime Monster:
Found in: The Fruit Gardens
Value: or
Experience Points: 255
Difficulty: Hard / Difficult
Attack Method & Damage: This creature uses a 2-way attack method. It fires 2 types of spit. The first one: green spit, fired from the left, is weak and cause little damage: (1 point). The other one: red spit, fired from the right, is damn lethal and causes a lot of damage: (10 points).
Comments: Although the Slime Monster doesn't move about much, it's red spit can do a lot of damage if not protected by a shield. Otherwise, it's pretty easy to kill.
Found in: The Fruit Gardens
Experience Points: 255
Difficulty: Hard / Difficult
Attack Method: Charges towards you
Damage: Infinite
Comments: This creature is fairly easy to kill. It will accelerate towards you once it's spotted you though.
Blue Flying Creature:
Found in: The Fruit Gardens
Value: or
Experience Points: 255
Difficulty: Difficult
Attack Method: Flies towards you
Damage: Infinite
Comments: This and the Flying Jellyfish are the toughest minions in all the caverns. It's flying ability gives it the edge. But it is a bit easier to destroy than the Flying Jellyfish, because it moves slowly. That is why I have placed it before the Flying Jellyfish. It is still fairly easy to destroy, that is once you get a proper aim on him. The Feruza Shoes help, though.
Flying Jellyfish/Grell:
Found in: The Fruit Gardens
Experience Points: 255
Difficulty: Difficult
Attack Method: Charges towards you
Damage: Infinite
Comments: The most difficult and powerful minion in all the caverns. It's got lots of armour (nothing less than a Guerra or an Enchantment Sword can take it out in one attempt). Also, it's tenticles are invulnerable. That means you've gotta hit this one on the head, so it's difficult, especially when it's charging towards you at full speed. But a good ol' Enchantment Sword and Feruza Shoes does the trick. Without these 2 items, don't mess with this guy.