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The ForestMap This the first complex level of the game, with a lot of story connected with it. Here's the walkthru-map: ![]() To Get Hero's Crest: 1, 2(go through door), 3, 4, 5, 6(go through door), 7(go through door), 8(go through door), 9, 10 (Slash your sword at the tree trunk dead-end and it will tear up to reveal the hero's crest.) To Get Key: Goto 8(follow Hero's Crest instructions), then 11, 12, 13, 14(key) To Go to Boss: Just go to the Bosque Village and show your Proof of Heroism (Hero's Crest) to the guard and he will let you through. (Feel like slapping him a couple of times). Go right and fall down and you'll see the door to El Pollo Diablo. After you kill the Boss, you'll see a door. Go through and then enter the door with no symbol. Secrets:
It's time to chill out, and do some ice-skating. |